Connectivity Brings Wi-Fi to South Georgia Tormenta FC
Over the course of 2022, South Georgia Tormenta, Champions of League 1, worked with Connectivity Wireless (the preferred wireless partner of the USL), to design and deploy a cutting-edge Wi-Fi 6 wireless network. After going live earlier in the League 1 season the network was fully operational in time to host a packed house for […]

Next-Generation Wireless Networks for Large Public Venues
After a long hiatus, your venue is now open. Everyone’s clamoring to get back in action. Congregate, socialize, and enjoy live events, whether at a concert hall, a stadium, a fairground, a zoo, a racetrack, or an arena. Large public venues where people want to use their devices to enhance the fan experience. What are […]

The Power of Data Analytics to Enhance the Fan Experience
As a fan like you who has attended events in large venues, we know what? Basic connectivity, let alone in-seat concession orders, game replays, or special in-game offers, is a challenge. So what about us fans? What do we get when attending events in large venues beyond the event itself? We can’t text our friends, […]

The Ultimate Guide to Digital Transformation
Download the Ultimate Guide to Digital Transformation in a Wireless World in eBook form Learn how to implement digital transformation for your property in smart ways, including key considerations and practical advice for your wireless infrastructure. Why Digital Transformation? Why Now? It is incredible – the amount of radical change in the wireless communications industry […]

Angel Stadium Welcomes Thousands Back to the Diamond with Enhanced Safety and Connectivity
Baseball season is officially in full swing, and Angel Stadium Wi-Fi 6 network upgrade is sure to hit a home run. As baseball fans arrive back in the stands for the 2021 season, new systems of operation have been put in place at ballparks across America to ensure a safe and healthy return of crowds. […]

The Reality of Wi-Fi 6 (AX)
Wi-Fi 6, 5G, Analytics & The Dangerous Mindset of “Future-Proofing” Now that Wi-Fi 6, which used to be 802.11AX in geek speak, has been around for a few years, what have we learned? Well, we know its throughput speeds are faster, it facilitates superior device performance in dense environments, and it has enabled the promise of […]

Analytics, It’s Inevitable: The Value Proposition for Wi-Fi Analytics
The definition of analytics is examining data sets to draw conclusions about the information they contain. The ability to customize ad content based on demographic information collected by the network is crucial for many ad providers. So crucial to the point that they are willing to pay a premium for the opportunity to advertise in […]

5G and Healthcare
With the release of 5G wireless, organizations are looking for ways to leverage the technology to improve their network connectivity. 5G is the fifth generation of wireless technology, which greatly improves the speed and performance of wireless technology. Because of the constant increase in connected medical devices, many wireless networks are left with an enormous […]

Why Connectivity Matters for Healthcare Environments
Network connectivity is more than just access to the internet to surf the web and send emails. As wireless devices have become commonplace in workflow and daily operations, nearly all of today’s business operations depend on secure and stable network connections to keep tablets, phones, and computer systems within buildings connected. The healthcare industry is […]